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Bus Service Improvement Plan

The Derbyshire BSIP

A key element of the Government's National Bus Strategy is the requirement for each Local Transport Authority (LTA) such as Derbyshire County Council to produce a Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP).

This plan sets out what measures the Council and its partners in the bus industry will introduce in their area to reverse the long-term national decline in bus patronage over the last 20-30 years which has been compounded by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

BSIP Goals

Derbyshire’s BSIP sets out an ambitious range of measures designed to make bus services in the county better including:

  • Measures to improve bus service reliability and journey times.
  • Improvements to bus service information including an increase in the number of roadside electronic Real Time Information signs at bus stops.
  • Measures to improve integration between different bus services and between bus and rail including the development of transport hubs at key locations to help bring services together.
  • The introduction of new ticketing arrangements to make bus travel more affordable.
  • Better roadside shelters and stops.
  • Improvements in the frequency and hours of operation of key bus services.
  • An expansion in the number of areas where Demand Responsive Transport services are available.
  • The introduction of more environmentally friendly buses.

Our BSIP also includes a range of targets to monitor the impact of these measures including patronage growth and levels of passenger satisfaction as well as more specific targets linked to the number of new bus shelters and Real Time Information signs being installed each year.

a blue and white bus with a family of 5 approaching to board, the father holding the smallest child

Download the 2024 BSIP

Contact and Queries

If you have any comments or questions about the BSIP please email or write to:

The Public Transport Unit,
Derbyshire County Council, County Hall
Matlock, DE4 3AG