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Travel Derbyshire

Who are we?

Travel Derbyshire is a collaborative initiative between Derbyshire County Council and the County’s bus operators working together to improve bus travel for passengers across Derbyshire.

This long standing partnership was formalised in March 2022 with an Enhanced Partnership Scheme and Plan .

This initiative is part of a broader programme relating to the nationwide programme of “Bus Back Better” National Bus Strategy for England and Derbyshire’s Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) that includes major highway infrastructure projects, ticketing offers, service enhancements and the provision of Real-Time Information.

smart man in shirt and tie on a bus using an ipad charging dock

The overall objective is to make bus travel more attractive by offering an enhanced passenger experience through clear and accessible information to both residents and visitors alike, improving network connectivity and reducing congestion on the roads.

Bus Services Improvement Plan

Find out more about the BSIP and how it impacts travel in Derbyshire.

Find out more about the BSIP ⟶

Bus Passenger Charter

The Derbyshire Bus Passenger Charter sets out what you can expect from your local bus services and who to contact if the service falls short of these standards

View Charter (PDF) ⟶

Latest News

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26th June 2024

Derbyshire County Council will begin a sixteen-week project to improve Alfreton Bus Station from 1st July. During this time the bus station will be closed, with buses going from other…

Transport Focus survey awards Derbyshire place in Top-10 for passenger satisfaction

16th May 2024

A national survey by Transport Focus has put Derbyshire’s bus services in the top ten for passenger satisfaction. Thirty-four local transport authorities, including Derbyshire, were part of Transport Focus’ annual…